by Michael Barnes | Aug 6, 2019 | Product Information
LeBlond Ltd. provides LeBlond Regal lathe parts, not mortgages. The two, however, are related. Let me explain. LeBlond Regal Lathe Parts Does History Better than a Museum Recently, I had to sign a mountain of papers for a mortgage. It wore my hand out; there were so...
by Michael Barnes | Apr 15, 2021 | Product Information
Looking for a machine tools supplier? LeBlond is your all-in-one supercenter of machine tool equipment. And you don’t have to worry about where your car is in a five-acre parking lot or how to scan produce at the DIY checkout! If you just saw someone wandering around...
by Michael Barnes | May 20, 2019 | Product Information
There are a multitude of devices like chucks, collets, faceplates, drive plates, mandrels and lathe centers that are used to hold and drive a workpiece while it is being machined on a manual lathe. Mandrels feature a tapered axle that presses into the bore of the...
by Michael Barnes | Sep 26, 2013 | Product Information
Manual Lathe Coolant Systems The coolant system is an optional item for the LeBlond RKL Series manual lathes. You would want to use a coolant pump to keep your part and tool cool, so you can cut better. Besides, you don’t want chips flying off the machine and burning...
by Michael Barnes | Feb 7, 2019 | Product Information
The LeBlond name is legendary because we provide precision high-speed, heavy-duty manual lathes and reliability with every machine. When you need a manual lathe, you can rely on LeBlond. Here are two of the lathes that we currently offer: LeBlond RKL-1300G Manual...
by Michael Barnes | Oct 11, 2018 | Tips
In the days before the arrival of deadly Hurricane Sandy, you crawl up to the top of a mountain junk yard amidst a motley collection of machine tools and 3000 rotting automobiles to claim your prize – a 13” “Roundhead” LeBlond Regal lathe. You drag it home on a...
by Michael Barnes | Jul 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
The new LeBlond Suite offers five machine tools that will make your shop, toolroom or classroom uniform and equipped to handle any job. The Suite (pictured above) includes the following: RKL-1332G Lathe LVM 9”x48” Vertical Knee Mill LHS-10 Horizontal Band Saw LVS-50...
by Michael Barnes | Jan 11, 2021 | Product Information
Need a new manual lathe? Before you throw down your hard-earned cash on a machine tool, just remember Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law. The German physicist came up with these laws of electrical circuits in the late 19th century and KVL states that the sum of voltage rising...
by Michael Barnes | Jan 25, 2021 | Product Information
Need machine tool parts rebuilds? LeBlond machine tool rebuilds for your K.O. Lee workhead, spindle or LeBlond Servo Shift bring new life to your equipment and keep it running like new. LeBlond provides spindle, workhead and Servo Shift rebuilds for K.O. Lee and...
by Michael Barnes | Feb 25, 2021 | Product Information
What is the difference between expanding mandrels arbors vs. sleeves? An expanding mandrel arbor is a tapered bar that grips a workpiece, so it can be machined on a lathe or a grinder. An arbor is a stand-alone component. Expanding Mandrel Sleeve A sleeve is a...