Workholdings are Lathe Workhorses Accuracy and precision are vital for producing parts with high tolerances in advanced lathe machining. Reliable workholding solutions ensure high-quality and repeatable machining results. Here are five reasons to get workholdings...
Three Tips to Cut Machining Costs
Evaluating Your Practices Can Cut Machining Costs Saving time, improving efficiencies, reducing waste are all ways to cut machining costs and increase margins for machining parts. However, putting the right tactics in place to achieve these cost cutting measures is...
Seven Tips for Cutting Different Metals With a Lathe
Adjustments may be needed to optimize the machining process when machining different metals with a lathe. Machinists should take precautions to avoid scrap and waste since metal hardness varies.
Standard Modern Parts Plays Pictures & History
Learn more about Standard Modern parts. This post identifies common S-M parts and briefly details what they do.
The Whole Truth About Lathe Parts Replacement
It is a simple truth for all machine tools that perform challenging metal turning, cutting and boring: Parts eventually wear out. The continuous operation of lathes in a machine shop potentially wears out a variety of moving parts on the machine. The proper...
Why, When and How to Replace Lathe Oils, Lubricants and Coolants
Why, When and How to Replace Lathe Oils, Lubricants and Coolants The squeaky wheel gets the grease is a common saying that should never apply to your lathe and its lubricants. The slides, apron, chucks, mandrels, bearings and spindles should never get to that point....
Knowing When to Upgrade Your Lathe
5 Tips for Upgrading Lathes LeBlond lathes have stood the test of time for many machine shops and parts manufacturers. It isn’t unusual to see a LeBlond lathe from the 1940s still running strong. And as long as those machines are well maintained, they can last for...
Large Part Turning on Your LeBlond Lathe
4 Tips to Improve Heavy Turning When turning large or heavy parts on a lathe you should consider some additional factors versus when you machine small- to medium-sized parts. Lathe Stability is Vital It’s important to make sure your lathe is large enough to handle the...
Welcome Maintenance and Repair into Your Operations
Planning for maintenance and repair saves time & money What comes to mind when you think about maintenance for your machine shop’s machines? Whether it happens to be a lathe, band saw, mill, grinder, drill press or other machine, maintenance and repair can be an...