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If you own a LeBlond Regal lathe and have excess production capacity, LeBlond Ltd. is looking to acquire Regals that are in “good to excellent condition.” The 15” and 19” Regal models of interest include machines with serial numbers beginning with12C thru 15C and 12E thru 15E.  If you would like to inquire about selling your Regal that meets the above criteria, please email your serial number along with digital photos.

LeBlond Ltd. will refurbish the Regal for resale. This process includes:

  1. Clean the machine.
  2. Replace parts as required including headstock gears, crossfeed screw & nut, compound screw & nut, servo-shift valve slide, tailstock screw, etc.
  3. Verify that lubrication systems are working.
  4. “Run-off” the machine to make sure that is meets LeBlond’s OEM specification requirements and that it is in first-class condition.

The pre-owned Regals come with a one (1) year warranty.  For availability, please visit LeBlond Ltd.’s Pre-Owned Lathes page or call (888) 532-5663.

If you have a requirement for a quality pre-owned LeBlond Baron CNC lathe, please visit the Pre-Owned Lathes page for availability.  The Barons, which were manufactured in the 1980’s, are slant bed lathes that are known for their rigidity and reliability. The number that is associated with the Baron model indicates the lathe’s horsepower rating.

If you’re interested in new LeBlond or K.O. Lee machines or require original OEM parts for your LeBlond, K.O. Lee, Standard Modern, Johnson Press, Deka Drill and W.F. & John Barnes equipment, call LeBlond Ltd at (888) 532-5663.