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It’s Thanksgiving … time to stuff our faces. Do you ever feel like this guy after eating too much on Turkey Day:

In honor of this great day of Giving Thanks and national gluttony, we present you with 5 tips to avoid overeating on Thanksgiving:

1. Eat Prior to the Meal

According to Wikihow, “[d]on’t skip any of the meals during the day — eat breakfast and lunch.” The article advises you to eat more lightly before the big evening meal. If you skip meals prior to Thanksgiving meal, you are more likely to overload on turkey, mashed potatoes and other goodies.

2. Take Small Amounts of Everything

Don’t let your eyes be bigger than your stomach. Serve  yourself molehills, not mountains of food, and you can avoid overgorging yourself.

3. Take Small Bites & Chew the Heck out of the Food!

Take small bites and, according to Wikihow, “savor the things that you noticed about the food when you took time to assess, such as texture and tastes.” Don’t wolf down your food. Eat slowly and chew voluminously. Chewing your food slowly allows you to enjoy the meal more and allows you to feel fuller, longer.

4. Use your Mouth, Not your Fork

Talk about how the Detroit Lions lost once again to your nearest relative. If no one cares about football, talk politics. Depending on your political persuasion, you can defend or destroy Obamacare and whether gastrointestinal duress from overeating is covered by your healthcare policy. More time talking means less time overeating.

5. Leave the Leftovers to your Relatives

The temptation of leftovers in the fridge can destroy any fledgling diet. Pretend its Christmas and pass out the leftovers to relatives who don’t cook. If you’re stuck with leftover turkey, portioning the remains is the key to overindulging the days after Thanksgiving, according to Christy Shatlock, a Dietician with bistroMD.

“When Thanksgiving is over, take your leftovers, and portion them out for the rest of the week, using several different sizes of containers or Tupperware,” says Shatlock.

But most importantly, enjoy your time with your family and give thanks for what you hold precious in life — family, health and even perhaps the Detroit Lions winning on this day …

Happy Thanksgiving!

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