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LeBlond supplies machinists with tough lathes that offer quick setup, simple operation and easy maintenance with limited downtime. Reliable, daily operation is a hallmark of all LeBlond machines.

Quick Setup

Workholding quick change tool posts allow fast adjustments to machining processes that minimizes setup and maximizes production.

Easy Maintenance

Simple access to the headstock, gearhead, spindle and linear ways make maintaining your lathe a snap.

Built to Last

With regular maintenance, a lathe with continuous use can stand the test of time.

Limited Downtime

There are many ways to keep your LeBlond lathe in top working condition:

  • Keep your headstock spindle and linear ways well lubricated.
  • Perform regular inspections and maintenance

Easy Operation

Digital readout systems talk to the drives to achieve optimal turning speeds for perfect finishing. Some programming maintains constant surface speed to the match the part diameter.