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Need machine tool parts rebuilds?

LeBlond machine tool rebuilds for your K.O. Lee workhead, spindle or LeBlond Servo Shift bring new life to your equipment and keep it running like new.

LeBlond provides spindle, workhead and Servo Shift rebuilds for K.O. Lee and LeBlond machinery where a skilled service technician tears down the quill, cleans and inspects the original parts like the housing and spindle itself to see what is functional and what needs to be replaced.

The obvious advantage of a rebuild is that it essentially gives the machine a “clean slate,” prolonging the life of the equipment and saving the owner the expense of having to invest in new machinery.

The spindle is the rotating axis centered around a shaft on a machine tool. On a lathe, the spindle is the headstock driver.

With a spindle rebuild, LeBlond:

  • Inspects and tests the unit to ensure there is no more than 0.0005 runout.
  • Replaces all bearings and seals
  • Tests the bearings to make sure there is no overheating
  • Conducts a runout test where the service tech puts the spindle on V Blocks and uses a 0.0001” Mitutoyo indicator to make sure the spindle spins cleanly and doesn’t wobble or spin off the ideal axis when being used.

The Servo Shift was an innovation on the headstock spindle on LeBlond and LeBlond Makino Regal models from the 1950s to ‘80s where “speeds pre-selected and changed automatically by hydraulics.

With Servo Shift units, LeBlond:

  • Breaks down, cleans and evaluates the parts as described above.
  • Frequently repair wear marks on the slide ways by stoning them down with a large sharpening stone that covers the whole area in one pass to ensure they are smooth, mating surface.
  • Pulls out and inspects pistons.
  • Perform a bench test to ensure machine accuracy.

With machine tool rebuilds, LeBlond does a complete “remodeling.” For example, if the pistons are older nylon versions that tend to fall apart from the machine oil, our tech will replace them with newer, aluminum upgrades.

With all LeBlond and K.O. Lee machine tool rebuilds, the equipment doesn’t leave the shop unless it passes the specs on the original blueprints of when the machine was first built.

You can give your machine quill or workhead assembly a rebuild and give it new life for years if not decades more.

If you are interested in a K.O. Lee workhead or LeBlond spindle or Servo Shift rebuild, call us at (888) 532-5663 and select Option 3.

We look forward to hearing from you!