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“I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as a member.”
— Groucho Marx

Here is why you should prove Groucho wrong and JOIN the LeBlond Insiders Facebook Group, a non-snobby club meant to give LeBlond and K.O. Lee fans the inside scoop on the company, its products and special giveaways:

1. It doesn’t cost anything

Groucho Marx had this famous retort after resigning from the Friars Club, an exclusive L.A. haunt that no doubt charged its members for fine dining and other fab activities.

LeBlond’s Insiders Facebook Group is free. It doesn’t cost you time as all you have to do is sign up in milliseconds by clicking on the button on the footer of this page to join!

In fact, by joining our LeBlond Insiders Facebook group, you’ll SAVE money. For the first 10 people who sign up, LeBlond offers a 10% discount off your next part or machine order.

2. You don’t have to play tennis or golf

Unlike other exclusive clubs, membership in the LeBlond Insiders group does not involve clubbing a small white ball with a long stick or whacking a larger, yellow ball with a racket.

There is no boating, no playing polo nor wearing argyle socks while dining in your smoking jacket. Our club is for common folks and doesn’t turn your nose up.

What it does involve is receiving inside information first about LeBlond promotions and new products. You will receive special perks like Facebook group-only discounts and other cool swag.


In case you didn’t notice the last sentence, I repeat: with LeBlond Insiders Facebook group membership, you get special perks and discounts just by signing a quick form in seconds.

Did I mention that the first 10 folks who join our group will receive 10% off on their next parts or new machine order?

4. Get useful information

Get the inside scoop on the latest on LeBlond and K.O. Lee machinery that will allow you to do your job easier.

Our content is not a Facebook page that Photoshops dog faces on food (that is a thing) and no, our Facebook Group won’t Photoshop your profile photo on a picture of your manual lathe.

What we will do is give you content that will help you function more efficiently as a machinist.

5. This is a social media group, not a club

You can join because Groucho Marx never envisioned a social media group that gives you cool content and gives you special discounts. This is a group with zero snob appeal, so it’s worth joining, especially considering how we hook you up.

To join the LeBlond Insiders Facebook Group, click the button on the footer of this page. Remember, the first 10 folks who sign up will get 10% off their next parts or new machine order!

Interested in:

LeBlond or K.O. Lee equipment, click this RFQ

OEM parts for LeBlond, K.O. Lee, Standard Modern, Johnson Press, Deka Drill or W.F. & John Barnes, click this form

OR call us at +1 (888) 532-5663.